• 关于Capsule Mall

    Capsule Mall成立于2016年12月,专注于"跨媒介游戏剧场"的开发和实践,同时我们也邀请声音艺术家、戏剧表演者、舞者、作家、影像艺术家、插画师一起合作艺术创新项目。“多元、实验、开放、妙想、游戏”共同构成Capsule Mall的结构基础。我们尝试探索艺术与生活、剧场创作和公共参与的结合点。除了剧院和美术馆,我们表演的场地也发生在城市生活的中心--商店、地铁站、停车场、旅店、超市、广场或社区的街道上。这些场地都是我们要营造的乌托邦式沟通空间。在全球化和雾化的世界,Capsule Mall 力在营造一个可感知彼此,认识自我的洁净之地。


    2022年Capsule Mall正式于上海启动线下教育项目:CM kids学园,学园面向4-12岁少儿教授Capsule Mall自主研发的实验艺术系列课程,并与剧团相互支撑、联合共创"跨媒介儿童剧场"项目。


    Capsule Mall was founded at the end of 2016. The troupe focuses on the development and practice of "Multi-media Gaming Theater". It also invites sound artists, theater performers, dancers, writers and illustrators to collaborate on artistic innovation projects."Diversity, experiment, openness, fantasy and game" constitute the structure of Capsule Mall. We try to explore the combination of art and life, theater creation and public participation. In addition to theaters and art galleries, we also perform in the central places of urbanlife - shops, subway stations, car parks, hotels, supermarkets or squares orcommunity streets. These venues are the utopian communication space we are going to create.In the world of globalization and materialization, the Capsule Mall focus on creating a pure place where we can feel each other and get to know ourselves.


    In 2022, Capsule Mall will open an offline education program in Shanghai: CM kids ACADEMY, teaching two series of Capsule Mall's self-developed Experimental Art courses to children aged 4-12,and co-created "Multi-media Children's Theater" project with a theater company to support each other.